Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A sence of satire

i know,i'm in love now...
but what can i do?
people don't like me...
sometimes wondering,what the use i have so many pursuers?
i am not interested with them at all...
the person that i love have no feeling with me...
so why do i need so many pursuers?
it's useless...
what a surpreme irony to my life...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I need a clear direction.

what am i doing now...?
i know i shouldn't fall in love with someone...
but,i really cant control my feeling...
and i know,i am not allowed to in love with my target...
so why do i keep being so stubborn?
it is so suffering...
please tell me what to do?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

is this my fault...?

Is been a long time never update my blog here...just feel like nothing to do and just wanna write something to share but i know,no one is reading...

Recently,i found that i in love with someone.after let some of my friends know who is my target,no one agree and encourage to date my target.and i know,i fall in love with someone i shouldn't with it...

it is being in love with someone is so suffering?i never been in love like this before,so suufering until i can feel my heart is pain.i missed my target everyday,almost every hours...anytime and anywhere.

i know is sickening,but i really cant control myself to thinking about my target.
what to do?gosh that's make me feel so annoyed...