Saturday, October 15, 2011


I know is wrong,
So do I keep coming back?

Cause I'm not able to convince myself,
That I'm better off without you...

Agnes Carlsson (2009)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

what to do?

I know something that i shouldn't know.

if i tell you,it seem like putting a barrier between you and him.

if i dont tell you,i just worried you will get hurt.

what to do?so headache...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Happiest thing in my life

Someone told me that happiness is priceless and always in our own hand but i slightly disagree.

If you ask me about what is my biggest happiness in my life,i would answer that biggest happiness in my life is have been loving you but unfortunately you are not on my side.

My happiness is not on me but in your hands and you shared with someone taken away my happiness and left me alone in the painfulness.

My life is ruined,happiness is not with me and you're gone.

I don't even own my happiness.

what should i do in my future?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Bad trip

Today is your birthday but i'm away for holiday.

It should be a happy trip but it suddenly reminds me that u will going back to somewhere and I feel so scare that I missing you...

Just can't wait to go back KL now and see you...

Altought I know is a short distance but why the feeling is so strong?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Something that you will never know

Always pretend alright in front of you,but you will never know how i feel when you are not with me... :(

You will never how pain is my heart when i blessing you and him happy always.

You will never know how upset i am when you refused to accept my friend request that time.

You will never know how lonely i am when i workout alone in the gym.

You will never know how sad i am when everytime i see your relationship status changed to married.

You will never know how bad is the feeling when you told me u are so glad to know and meet him.

You will never know how suffer i am for expecting you come to the gym but you didn't show up.

You will never know how dissapointed i am when everytime you rejected me to have tea time with you.

You will never know how empty i am when i missing you in the silence night.

You will never know how wish i can chat with you when i see you online on facebook/MSN but i scared to annoy you.

You will never know jealous i am when i think of you and him together.

You will never know how hurt i am when the time i wanted to express my feeling and explain to you and you left me in the same time.

You will never know how i worried about you when you told me you will leaving here.

You will never know i cried for you sometimes.

You will never know i having bad insomnia evernight because of thinking you too much.

You will never know the only way for me to temporaily forgeting you is smoking and masturbating.

You will never know my heart is broken and become pieces now because of you.

You said me crazy about someone last time,but when i'm crazy about you but unfortunately you never knew that.

I never want to let you know all these feeling because i don't want u feel sad,guilty and blame yourself.why?cause i dont wanna worry about me...

Maybe what you told me was correct,i shouldn't disturb someone in a relationship and i shouldn't told you i have been loving you.

I hate myself too late realized of loving you.

Don't leave me alone in the dark side...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

without you

Without you,sugar is not sweet anymore,
without you,MSN seem like so empty,
without you,the sky is not blue anymore,
without you,stars in the sky not shinning anymore,
without you,my heart feel like broken,
without you,i cried every night,
without you,my arms is empty cause i cant hug you,
without you,my lips are cold cause i cant kiss you,
without you,i feel like blinded cause i cant see you,
withyou you,i feel like a deaf cause i cant hear your voice,
without you,sun is not warm anymore,
without you,the sea not salty anymore,
without you,my world like a winter day,
without you,the cars like no engine,
without you,my saving account like no deposit,
without you,my wallet like no money,
without you,gold is not worth money anymore,
without you,mirrors wont reflex my image anymore,
without you,my birthday is not worth to celebrate anymore,
without you,like no more news in newspaper,
without you,rainbow is not colorful anymore,
without you,disco is not rock anymore,
without you,the glasses cant fill water anymore,
without you,diamonds is not bling anymore,
without you,magnets like no magnertic force,
without you,water seem like cant quench my thirstyness,
without you,blood is not red anymore.

you are so important to me,

just because I LOVE YOU...

I Love You not because I Need You,
I Need You Because I Love you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

